Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Month in review

First off J's blessing day was on March 1st. It was a great day and J was such a trooper letting everyone smother him with hugs and kisses!

I was able to go with my friend Addie to the Scrapbook USA expo at the South Towne expo center in SLC. After a half an hour of driving around trying to find a parking spot I was ready to give up and go home but Addie wouldn't let me so we finally ended up getting there and it was HUGE. I mean there were so many booths it was crazy. I already had a set amount of cash ready to use and once it was gone I couldn't buy anything else. I was very proud of myself for not whipping out the debit card and keep spending (though I could've for sure). Anyway we also bought the film Twilight and had a total girls weekend (with Jace but he didn't mind as long as he was fed and changed he was good to go) It was a lot of fun and I recommend it if you can stand crowds of crazy scrapbookers because you really get some good deals!!

One of my favorite book series "the Mortal Instruments" came out with it's final book in the trilogy "City of Glass" this month and I went out and bought it immediatley! I highly recommend it! It is like a mix of Harry Potter and Twilight.

My baby boy is growing up and out (ha ha) literally. He is now 15 pounds and is so much fun to squeeze!

We had a great Easter weekend this year. A was able to color eggs and have her own easter egg hunt. After she was done finding all the eggs she took all the eggs from her basket and hid them again herself because she wanted to do it again.

I found this great frame at Hobby Lobby for 40% off and it goes great with the pictures we took at JCPenney. I love it!

A loves to raid my sock drawer and put socks on her feet and hands. Then she comes up to me and asks "How do I look?"

Did anyone go the the big Shopko sale a week or two ago?? Well I did and I got a great deal on a double stroller! I am so excited. Too bad the weather can't make up it's mind and just be warm so I could use my stroller more!!

J has found his thumb and they are best friends. He loves it but hates binkies. I know it should be a bad thing for them to suck on their thumb but when he can put himself to sleep with it I say oh well.

Last but not least. If you want to see a good clean chick flick then you have to go see Confessions of a Shopaholic!! I laughed and laughed becuase come on what women doesn't have a little shopping problem now and then. Very cute!


Loni said...

So cute! Your children are beautiful! So glad to see that you are all doing well. My sister and her family moved down to SLC but when I'm in Logan again we'll have to get lunch again.

Addie May said...

I loved this post! Really I did, and I even got my name in it! I am feeling special :) Seeing the City of Glass cover makes me want to read the book again!!! I also loved that Alli re-hid her easter eggs and wears your socks. What a cutie!

Mrs. Godfrey said...

Fun update! Glad to know things are going well!

Jess said...

Wow. That was the Super Bowl of Blogs!! Great pictures. Jace is a butterball!!

Jeanette said...

So glad you had a nice easter. I can't believe how quickly Jace has changed. He's adorable. I wan't to squish his cheeks from here. :) So glad for the update.